
The radiation therapy technology (RTT) curriculum is designed to prepare the student to be an entry-level radiation therapist. A complete listing of the course requirements and course descriptions can be viewed in the Catalog. Students are encouraged to follow a specific curriculum plan to ensure progressive learning throughout the degree.



Professional Credentials
Students successfully completing all degree requirements will receive a bachelor of health sciences (BHS) degree, with a major in radiation therapy. Upon successful completion of degree requirements, students can become candidates to sit for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Radiation Therapy (T) certification examination. Additional requirements for licensure may be required by the state in which you practice.

Service Learning Projects
Service learning takes the student out of the classroom setting and places them in situations where they have to use and develop skills important for a radiation therapists. Students at Baptist University volunteer their time at Harrah's Hope Lodge, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, by providing lunch or engaging patients and their families in activities that develop students' communication skills.

Problem-Based Learning
Students use base knowledge gained from foundational course work to solve a real-life clinical problem. 

Clinical Portfolio
Students develop clinical portfolios beginning in clinical practicum I through to clinical practicum IV. Students add artifacts for learning objectives and write self-reflections on their learning in the the clinical arena. 

VERT – Virtual Environment Radiation Therapy
Experience cutting-edge technology that provides hands-on training in a real-life radiation therapy room.

God's Blessings

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever admirable –if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.

Philippians 4:8