Student Events

It is our goal to provide quality programming that will engage the students of Baptist Health Sciences University. To accomplish that goal, we embrace collaboration between the office of Student Life, the Student Government Association, student organizations, and the student body to provide engaging and enjoyable events. Throughout the year, we have traditional holiday events, along with leadership and professional development opportunities. Our service opportunities allow students to engage with our surrounding community. We also have programming specific to student needs such as stress management, healthy relationships, and school and life balance.


  • Students
  • spring fling
  • student plants
  • student cookout
  • Gals Day
  • Donut Dash
  • Donut Dash
  • Bridges Workshop
  • Spring Fling

God's Blessings

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

Colossians 3:23