Mission Projects

Mission Trip team

Frederick Buechner has said, “Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world's deep need.” At Baptist University we believe your career is a calling from God.  Every day the joining of calling and career is experienced.  Campus Ministries facilities extracurricular opportunities for the joining of faith and career through mission activities.  These include an annual international medical mission trip, tutoring in an inner city school, making shoes out of jeans and plastic milk jugs for children in Africa, and making hats for the homeless in Memphis.  And through these acts of care it is our prayer that our hands and feet will become the hands and feet of Christ.


“This trip changed my life!  It was where I got confirmation from God that nursing was my calling and gave me a passion to help those who don’t have access to medical help!  I can’t wait to get back on the mission field on day!”

“The people of Belize showed us that we do not need a lot of things in order to be happy.  The Belizean people are such a wonderful, grateful people and are perfectly content with what they have.  I was blessed to be able to serve them.”