
Peer tutors are provided for individual and group tutoring in the CAE free of charge in the following subjects: anatomy and physiology I and II, pathophysiology, algebra, physics, microbiology, chemistry, writing, and adult I and II nursing.

Tips for scheduling a tutoring appointment

  • Check the tutor's hours before scheduling an appointment; they can only meet during their posted times.
  • You (and your group) must be present to be tutored.  Emailed papers are not accepted.
  • Give tutors at least 24 hours notice.  They have 24 hours to respond to your appointment request.
  • Be considerate of others.  If you are unable to meet during your appointment time, let the tutors know in advance, so someone else can meet during that time.


God's Blessings

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

Colossians 3:23