Alumni Reunion 2024

Alumni Reunion

Thank you for attending the Alumni Reunion Fiesta!


Saturday, April 13 alumni, family, friends, faculty and staff took over one of the team based learning rooms inside Baptist University College of Osteopathic Medicine (BUCOM) for a grand fiesta. Alumni Board of Directors Chair, Heidi Hordyk (1999, nuclear medicine), welcomed the attendees and introduced Dr. Hampton Hopkins, Baptist Health Sciences University President. Dr. Hopkins shared with the crowd a little about himself and his path to BHSU. He also shared his appreciation for our alumni and the path they laid for future healers. Sherita Martin, Director of Development, congratulated the class of 1974 on winning this year's giving challenge. Mrs. Phyllis Gates (1954, nursing) was recognized with the Longevity/Most Seasoned ward. Mrs. Gates later passed recognition to Mrs. Barbara Helms (1957, Nursing) who is still working at Baptist. Ms. Hordyk and Dr. Hopkins presented the 2023 alumni award winners with their awards. The winners are listed below. Then classmates from 1954 to 2024 shared stories, insight, laughter and encouragement over a delicious taco bar. After lunch, tours of the BUCOM were given, as well as tours of the nursing building. Awe and amazement was heard when alumni were shown the resources and support Baptist is able to provide the next generation of healers. Thank you to all those that attended! We cannot wait to see everyone on Saturday, October 26! Details and RSVP are forthcoming. 

Calisha Beauregard (2013, medical laboratory science)
• Young Alumni Award
Damon Mays (1985, nursing)
Alumni Service Award
David Breedlove (2005, nursing)
• Distinguished Alumni Award

2024 Alumni Award nominations are open. Email nominations to [email protected]. ​

God's Blessings

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Ephesians 4:2