Spring 2023 Alumni Reunion

Celebrating 50 years

Over 120 alumni, family, friends, and BHSU faculty and staff gathered on April 15 for the Blue Hawaii Luau Alumni Reunion atop the Mississippi Terrace at the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid. Attendees were greeted with lei by alumni board members and current BHSU students in the Big Cypress Lodge lobby where they were escorted up the elevator to the third floor where the luau began.




Zac Cox, Relationship Marketing Coordinator and 2011 Nuclear Medicine alumnus, welcomed everyone to the 2023 Spring Alumni Reunion and blessed the delicious buffet of food for everyone to start enjoying. Alumni enjoyed great conversations down memory lane and life updates of their fellow classmates while taking in beautiful views of the Mississippi River and downtown Memphis.

Zac Cox presented Mrs. Phyllis Gates, class off 1954, with the “Longevity” award as Mrs. Gates liked to call it. This award goes to the attendee who is the most tenured Baptist alumnus. Mr. Cox then recognized the class of 1973 for celebrating their 50th reunion and gave remarks of jealously regarding their class meeting the night before at the Peabody Lounge.

Ms. Sherita Martin, Director of Development, gave a special recognition to the class of 1978. Ms. Martin invited anniversary classes to participate in a giving challenge leading up to the reunion. The class of 1978 took home the prize by giving $7,290.

Mr. Damon Mays, Nursing diploma class of 1985, the outgoing Alumni Board President gave remarks of thanks to his fellow classmates for attending and introduced Ms. Heidi Hordyk, Nuclear Medicine class of 1999, as the incoming Alumni Board Chair. Then Mr. Mays, Ms. Hordyk, and Mr. Cox along with the BHSU Mascot, Hartley, lead all attendees in a hula lesson to celebrate being a Baptist alumnus in true luau fashion.

We hope you join us at the next official Alumni event. Save the Date for Alumni Homecoming: October 7th, 2024. 

God's Blessings

 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
  And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
  and to walk humbly[a] with your God

Micah 6:8